Wednesday 22 June 2016

CHAPTER 1 : Introduction of Environmental Health

CHAPTER 1 : Introduction of Environmental Health

     The definition of environmental is it divided by physiology, biological. social cultural which are influence health status. It also relates individual human's surroundings.

     Health is not-merely free from disease or disability in aspects of all the physical, mental and social life. Health also depends on the resources and hazards on its surroundings.

     Environmental health is a branch in the field of public health that explores the concept of awareness and knowledge about aspects of nature,the environment and the built environment that are related to human health. Other terms are also used in reference to the discipline of environmental health include environmental public health care and the environment.

    Health is totally depends on the resources and the hazards, for example, good health is depends on the accessibility to sustainable resources ( and hospital that is available at the neighbourhood) and bad health is due from inaccessibility to sustainable resources or that had been expose to a hazardous substance.

What is environmental health ?
-scientific and reality:          humans are just one player in ecosystem and in the global environment.
-public health perspective:   hazards to human health are core concern.

Environmental elements divided by four ;
- Psychosocial : Beliefs, habits, religion, education, lifestyles.
- Physical        : Traffic, radiation, noise lighting, vibration.
- Biological     : Bacteria, microbes, poisonous, plants, animals.
- Chemical      : Air pollution, toxic waste, pesticides, industrial discharge.



* My review from my friend's blog

*Note from my lecturer's named Encik Mohd Jamalil Azam


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